Orders can be placed by calling me at 716-532-9109 or 716-512-8903[cell]
you can also contact me via email at
Payments may be made by checks: please make payable to Michelle Abbey
Charge is accepted, however you would either have to call your credit card information to Michelle or email it to her.
You can also pay via paypal if you have a credit card.
Paypal is a secure site
No one would have your credit card information
Sales Tax is 8%
Shipping & Handling charges are 10% of your total order
or a minimum of $2.75
There are presently two sale dates
Many have requested that they be able to receive the
free tote available in the March Sales Brochure when you purchase the 14 piece Impressions Spring Set at 1/2 Price $59.00
To receive the
free tote your order
must be paid by March 5, 2008 Any items may be prdered and paid for on the March 5 date
Your order will arrive within 1 week
To see this sale click on
Free Tote above.
Our second Sale date is March 25
Anyone interested in theitems in the sale brochure which indicate that you must purchase either $50 or $100 worth of Tupperware to get the special sale price
We will accept the orders without mandating the additional purchase
For those interested in paying via credit card online. If you have a paypal account simply email me your order, go to paypal and 'send money'
Pay your total amount and send it to my email address: linmun@adelphia.net
Again, no one will see your credit card information!
If you would like to use paypal and do not have a paypal account, email me your order and I will email you a payment request
you will be required to fill out information prior to sending the payment.
Again, no one will see your credit card information!
Those close enough - I will contact you via telephone and make arrangements to personnally deliver your order Those who live farther away or have awkward schedules:
Your order will arrive either via the post office or DHL
Front Row - Bill Linde & Margaret NunweilerSecond Row - Betty Linde & Lola Nunweiler Last Row - Louise Nunweiler